22 October 2008

"Bloggers, I suppose, were children once." --Anonymous

Since I always reveal my sources, let the record reflect that "Anonymous" is none other than Me, your humble blogger and (public) servant. And my quote is just a minor tweaking of the quote by Charles Lamb that prefaces the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird. Mr. Lamb's original quote is: "Lawyers, I suppose, were children once."

And I was once... a child, that is, and a Lawyer too (for all of 10 months post-Bar-Admission, anyway). Just the first of many quirk-ilicious bits of personal trivia to come, culled from my highly itinerant, ass-forward, wandering-pilgrim-soul Life (which is currently at 38 years, and counting...).

See, I "blame" the author, Harper Lee, for inspiring me to enter Law School (*#!@%), and planting that nudgy little seed in my heart and mind that relentlessly whispers, Be a Writer... if you can.

But being a "Writer"--well, that's a pretty tall order, and one I take too seriously to muck up (not that any publisher has ever come a knockin' on my door). But a "Blogger"... well, maybe that, I can do. And should--just ask the friends/families/foes who have experienced what it is to be "carpet-bombed" with my words. And I have a lot of them, people. Too many. And I fire them off at a rapid pace, like those fast-talking, banter-loving, screwball heroines from the movies of the 30s (which my years of schooling and living in NYC--you enabler, you--did nothing to temper or moderate).

So. Here I go...

And my "Mission Statement"? To edjumacate the masses, who have been slapped awake by recent events on Wall Street, and the (overwhelming) news-cycle whirling around Election 2008, into realizing that our Watchdogs are not only asleep at their posts, but simultaneously driving too (fer Chrissakes). We can't safely rely on our watchdogs anymore... can we? (sigh) The time has come for us all to think for ourselves, and educate ourselves as much as is needed. Which is where I come in: think of me as your (self-appointed) Ambassador/Interpreter between the Intellectual Elite and the poor-hungry-tired Masses, who (I hope) just might appreciate my "gift" for dumbing-it-down (because it takes a dummy to...).

Remember Kubrick's movie, Dr. Strangelove: or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb? Well, the full title of my blog is actually: The (mis)Adventures of Wonk: or The Dummies' Guide to the Universe, and Politics, and Art, and Society, and... well, the list could go on and on, really...

And it will. So consider yourselves on notice...

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