25 October 2008

Is Bjork a Terrorist?

Of course not. I was intentionally being a sensationalist to get your attention.

Because guess what the fearless (ha) Leader "across the pond" has recently done: Gordon Brown has used England’s anti-terror laws to freeze the assets of an Icelandic bank. The people of Iceland? "Terrorists"?

But will you look at the tremendous grace and style, not to mention humor, with which the people of Iceland have chosen to "fight" back. Here's how The Daily Beast put it, in their synopsis:

"But Icelanders, sweethearts that they are, have a more off-hand approach. They have sent Gordon Brown pictures of their families in matching sweaters with words like, “Darling Brown. We are not terrorists but terribly nice and friendly.” An Icelandic photographer has been documenting the anti-Brown forces. One man wielded a snowball as a weapon; another a gun made of Legos."

It makes me want to spend part of my Saturday at the record store, buying a Bjork album(!) As a symbolic act of solidarity. Because clearly, everyone needs to be very very careful about how they use the "T" word: "Terrorist."

You can read the entire article here: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/who-are-you-calling-terrorists-mr-brown-971471.html

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