24 October 2008

Campaign Attack Hoax

Here's a synopsis, from the article entitled Campaign Attack Hoax:

"Drudge fomented outrage in the conservative blogosphere yesterday when he posted an item about an attack in Pittsburgh where an African American mugger supposedly carved a “B” into 20-year-old Ashley Todd’s cheek after he noticed a John McCain bumper sticker on her car. Many feared the sudden injection of racial fears into the race, but it turns out that they need not to worry: The entire thing was a hoax. The supposed victim, who volunteers for McCain’s campaign, admitted to police today that she made it up after taking a polygraph test. Pittsburgh police say they will press charges against her."

Here's the link to that short news blurb: http://kdka.com/local/attack.McCain.Bloomfield.2.847628.html

and another, more in-depth (if maybe partisan) account:

And how did I first learn of this disgusting hoax? While trying to stamp out the many brush-fires of violent ignorance and intimations of a Race War that I unwittingly stumbled into when I chimed in to an online thread re: "Will White People Riot?" A purely rhetorical question raised simply to make an important point, imho. Here's a link to the thread; but I warn you, some of the vitriol that's spewed here is not for the faint of heart: http://www.theroot.com/id/48479/output/comments

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