30 October 2008

The "Celebrity" Hall of Shame: Joe the (Unlicensed) Plumber

Even Madonna is impressed by the speed and chutzpah of your self-reinvention, Joe the (unlicensed) Plumber. Sorry, I mean Joe the (talentless) Country Singer.

I can't keep up. Because last I heard, you wanted to run for Congress... Oh wait, maybe that was before you announced your plans to host your own talk show (on Fox News, I'm sure). Whatever.

See, “Joe” now has "representation", as they say in The Biz--what "celebrity" doesn't, right? All those interview requests, and media appearances, not to mention career planning... you've got to have someone managing your bright bright career--just ask Paris Hilton, with whom you, Joe, have much in common (except for, you know, the great hair).

Under this "representation," Joe is now courting a record deal with a major label because... well, Joe's a longtime country music fan, you see, and he “knocks around on guitar” according to his reps. “He’s a complicated guy with a very dynamic personality,” say his reps. “He can sing and obviously has a strong political point of view.” Obviously.

So much for your "dreams" of having your own plumbing business (if only that mean little Socialist, Obama, would just get out your way). But hey, why earn a decent American living if you can just fast-track your way into being a "Celebrity" instead.

So to all you aspiring musicians out there: maybe you should "play out" less and just hang at campaign rallies instead. Look how far it got Joe...

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