04 November 2008

Election Night 2008 Drinking Game

No way am I getting through tonight without some drinks. Many, many drinks, probably...

Here's a drinking game I found on the San Francisco Chronicle's site:

If you think Obama is going to win, slug one down every time you hear someone (pundit/host, etc.) say the words:
-- Transformational
-- Landslide
-- First African American
-- Youth vote
-- Axelrod
-- Working class
-- Filibuster-proof
-- Magic map (CNN only)
-- White voters
-- Irregularities
-- New voters
-- Bradley effect
-- "Pollsters were wrong"

If you hear a lot of this last one, then you'd better make a pot of coffee and line up the Advil. Obama fans may not want to get out of bed the next day. Or ever again.

For you McCainiacs, get comfy and then pop a shot every time you hear utterances of these words:
-- Maverick
-- Pennsylvania
-- Joe the Plumber
-- Palin effect
-- Real Americans
-- Socialist
-- Terrorist
-- Ayers
-- POW
-- Negative
-- Steve Schmidt
-- "In the tank"
-- The media
-- Fraud

Here's the original link: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/10/31/WI1R13QI78.DTL

I've also started a pool within my very small circle of (wonky) friends--although I can't tell you what the winner gets (on the advice of my Legal Counsel--ha). I am betting, though, on 338 electoral college votes. That's my magic number...

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