11 November 2008

Mormons Are "Baptising" Victims of the Holocaust

Did you know that they actually do this?! Well apparently, posthumous baptism-by-proxy has been a common Mormon practice for more than a century. The point? To reunite Mormons with all their "ancestors" in the afterlife... regardless of whether those ancestors happened to be Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, whatever. So disrespectful.

Not surprisingly, many of the Jewish faith are grossly offended by this practice, and the very thought that Holocaust victims who were murdered precisely because of their religion would then be posthumously baptised for Mormon purposes... and without their consent. Even the Vatican has ordered Catholic dioceses worldwide to withhold member registries from Mormons to prevent Catholics from being "baptized" in this fashion.

Thought Death would finally protect y'all from those persistent Latter Day Saints out to convert your heathen souls? Apparently not.

And I thought the Mormon Church funding the Vote-Yes-on-Proposition-8 thing was offensive (not to mention hypocritical, in light of all that bigamy). Sheesh...

Here's an article on this topic: http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2008-11-10-jewish-baptisms_N.htm?csp=34


  1. The church actually stopped baptizing holocaust victims (at least publicly) after people made enough hoopla about it. They also took their names off the records as being baptized. You got to admit, it’s pretty convenient that you can just hit the delete button and erase that there soul purification.

    I live in Salt Lake and there were actually protests against the churches involvement with CA Prop 8.

  2. Glad to hear it, Alana. I don't mean to demonize Mormons or anyone else... I just want everyone to practice a little tolerance and sensitivity, and stop being so hypocritical!
