Or... maybe I could just, um, tuck this crisp $20 into your--
I can't believe I'm going to say this, but the new White House Chief of Staff is starting to look reeeally sexy to me... I know, I know--he's short, and funny looking, and missing a finger... and he's not even the good-looking brother (supposedly that's his younger, taller brother Ari, the Hollywood agent). But Rahm... he's got a little sumthin'-sumthin'... And would you look at those eyes? Those devilish, devilish eyes? And that's a stripper-smile, if ever I've seen one...But maybe the hottest thing of all (for me, anyway), he's famous for mangling the English language with the most mixed-up mix of mixed-metaphors, and at a rapid-fire pace--see, he's even, like, my linguistic soul mate! "Rahmbonics" is the term coined by his friends and colleagues to describe Rahm's "creative" use of language. Here are some examples:
"He'd say something like you can't kick a field goal in the ninth inning," recalls Jake Siewert, a longtime friend and former Clinton press secretary.
"We have to slam shut the revolving door between drugs and crime."--Rahm Emanuel
To Bob Schieffer on "Face the Nation": "We had a crisis, we kicked it down the can. These are – just taking those two examples, these are crises you can no longer afford to kick down the can. The crisis we have here, the American people know we have one and they are ready and willing to start to tackle those problems. You cannot afford now to kick those down the can any longer."
To "This Week" host, George Stephanopoulos: "So this provides an opportunity to finally tackle the issues that for too long have been postponed, kicked down the road – kicked down the road, basically."
OK, so he's a little "Rainman" in his use of language, as well as rather "Rambo" in personality and style... But it works (growl)--for this weirdo blogger anyway...
Obama may be the Cary Grant of The West Wing... but this salt-n-peppa unlikely hottie just may be the Jon-Stewart-esque sleeper in that getting-sexier-by-the-day Wing...
Here's my source: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1108/15510.html
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